What’s Holding You Back from a Career You Love?

August 11, 2020
Stephanie Renna

What’s Holding You Back from a Career You Love?

We often make up excuses to stay in jobs that make us unhappy, but regardless of what we tell ourselves, all of these stories boil down to fear. We want to debunk some of the myths we tell ourselves around staying in a bad job.
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Do you feel stuck in a job you don’t like? We often make up excuses to stay in jobs that make us unhappy, but regardless of what we tell ourselves, all of these stories boil down to fear.

Leaving the security of a job, especially during tough economic times, is a frightening thought - but so is continuing to work in a place that leaves you unfulfilled and unsatisfied.  

We want to debunk some of the myths we tell ourselves around staying in a bad job.

Myth: Things are tough, so I can’t make a career change right now.

Truth: Sometimes negative events can be a catalyst for positive change.

Whether you’re experiencing tough times on a personal or global level, it can be difficult to think of adding a career change on top of those stresses. But sometimes tough times can reveal a new purpose or meaningful opportunity.

There are countless stories of people who have turned tragedy into something meaningful. It can be done. You just have to let yourself be open to the idea of change.

Right now we’re all experiencing one of the most challenging periods in history. We’ve seen a downturn in the economy due to COVID-19. While it’s true that fewer companies are hiring and there is more competition, the roles are still out there. There are companies that are innovating to adapt to the changing world. There are also companies who have seen an increase in demand during this time.

The key is making yourself stand out by highlighting your passions and skills. It may not be a quick or easy change, but don’t let fear be the thing that stops you from finding something better.

Myth: I’m just lucky to have a job.

Truth: It’s possible to be grateful for a job, but still not love it.

As we see unemployment rise and more companies go through layoffs, it’s normal to feel gratitude for what we do have. It’s also a good thing. There are proven benefits to expressing gratitude and it’s something that should be part of your daily routine.

But it’s also okay to be grateful for what you have while admitting you long for something better. Accepting what is because you know it could be worse is twisting gratitude into an excuse to hold yourself back. Allow yourself to strive for more. Do you know what you want? Do you have a dream job?

Myth: I can’t afford to leave my job right now.

Truth: You don’t have to leave your job (yet) to start the career transformation process.

Career transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process that takes time and commitment.

Deciding you want to find something better doesn’t mean you have to quit your job tomorrow. It simply means you’re ready to start the process of identifying what kind of career will bring you joy, and what kinds of companies will value who you are. THEN taking the steps to find them and go after them.

What can I do to find a career I love?

Succeed On Purpose offers several courses, for wherever you are in the process. If you’re looking to accelerate your career, we offer an online program, as well as coaching, to get you started. Learn more here.

Don’t let fear hold you back from finding happiness and fulfillment in your career!

Stephanie Renna has been working with Succeed On Purpose since 2012, and now serves as the brand leader. Her purpose is to bring joy.

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