Do you feel stuck in a job you don't like? You aren't alone.

June 15, 2023
Stephanie Renna

Do you feel stuck in a job you don't like? You aren't alone.

Leaving the security of a job, especially during tough economic times, is a frightening thought – but so is continuing to work in a place that leaves you unfulfilled and unsatisfied. Let us debunk some of the common myths we tell ourselves about work.
Create a career strategy that works for you and the ever evolving world of work. Join us June 28 for a free virtual event - Navigating the New World of Work!

Gallup's 2023 State of the Global Workplace report surveyed 122,416 employed respondents ages 15 and over in more than 160 countries from 2022 to 2023 and concluded that 59% of the workers worldwide were "quiet quitting."  According to a recent article published by Business Insider, “Quiet quitting refers to employees who fulfill their job requirements but do nothing more— often influenced by poor wages, lack of satisfaction, or, for some, the inability to quit and find a better job.”

None of us go to work with the intent of doing the bare minimum. The job is a grind; we get distracted and face it – no one feels good about just dialing it in.  

We often make up excuses to stay in jobs that make us unhappy or are just a bore, but regardless of what we tell ourselves, it boils down to fear.  

Leaving the security of a job, especially during tough economic times, is a frightening thought – but so is continuing to work in a place that leaves you unfulfilled and unsatisfied.

We want to debunk some of the myths we tell ourselves about staying in a job or with a company that is not the right fit for you.

Myth: Things are tough, so I can't make a career change right now.

Truth: Sometimes, negative events can be a catalyst for positive change.

Whether you're experiencing tough times on a personal or global level, it can be difficult to think of adding a career change on top of those stresses. But sometimes tough times can reveal a new purpose or meaningful opportunity.

There are countless stories of people who have turned tough times into something meaningful. It can be done. 

How exciting would it be to open yourself up to exploring the possibility of making a change?

Myth: I'm just lucky to have a job.

Truth: Wanting more for yourself is not a lack of gratitude for the present but a desire for the future.

As unemployment rises and more companies go through layoffs, it's normal to feel gratitude for what you do have. It's also a good thing. There are proven benefits to expressing gratitude, which should be part of your daily routine.

But it's also okay to be grateful for what you have while admitting you long for something better. Accepting what is because you know it could be worse is twisting gratitude into an excuse to hold yourself back. 

Give yourself permission to strive for more

Myth: I can't afford to leave my job right now.

Truth: You don't have to leave your job (yet) to start the career transformation process.

Career transformation doesn't happen overnight. It is a process that takes time and commitment.

Deciding you want to find something better doesn't mean you have to quit your job tomorrow. It simply means you're ready to start identifying what kind of career will bring you joy and what companies will value who you are—THEN taking steps to find them and go after them.

Succeed On Purpose was created to help individuals find their passion and purpose in careers they love and support them as they grow. 

Take the first step in your journey by joining us for a free virtual discussion on June 28 at 11:30 a.m. where Succeed On Purpose CEO, Terri Maxwell, will discuss the forces impacting the world of work, and how each of us can respond to find success. Register here!

Stephanie Renna has been working with Succeed On Purpose since 2012, and now serves as the brand leader. Her purpose is to bring joy.

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