Do You Have the Power to Manifest?

March 11, 2021
Stephanie Renna

Do You Have the Power to Manifest?

Have you ever wondered if you have the power to manifest? It’s a skill many of us are curious about, but not everyone has taken the time to understand. Can you really create something you want through manifestation? 
Learn how to tap into the power of manifestation!

Have you ever wondered if you have the power to manifest? It’s a skill many of us are curious about, but not everyone has taken the time to understand. Can you really create something you want through manifestation? 

We absolutely believe you can. So, how exactly can you manifest? We want to share a few insights we’ve learned over the years.

How to create what you want through manifestation

Manifestation isn’t just hoping & waiting

If you’re unfamiliar with the practice of manifestation, you may be under the impression that it simply involves sending a wish out to the universe, then sitting back and waiting for it to come true.

This is inaccurate. Manifestation takes work and practice. There are processes and exercises to help get you in a place where you can create what you want. You have to learn to manage your energy and emotions and then channel them into the right focus areas. 

Manifestation is about your mindset

Think about a time when you were really upset. Perhaps something was going wrong at work or you were unhappy in a relationship. If you spoke to someone about it, chances are, you were closed off to any advice or suggestions they gave. In those moments you feel hopeless, you convince yourself there’s no solution. So rather than do something about the situation, you dwell in negativity, prolonging your own suffering.

Manifestation is largely about your own mindset. The practice requires you to actively pull yourself out of any hopeless or negative place so you are open to possibilities you may otherwise be closed off to. Once you’ve really mastered putting yourself in a mindset conducive to manifestation, you’re not only open to new ideas, you seek them out.

Manifestation requires action

If you’ve heard or read anything about manifestation, you’ve probably heard the term, “co-creating.” The first few times I heard that term, the meaning was completely lost on me. However, the more I’ve been exposed to the practice, the more I’ve come to understand what it means. Co-creating means you are working with the universe to create what you want. It’s not about the universe bestowing its gifts upon you. It’s about you being open to opportunities available and then relentlessly pursuing them. You’ve got to put in the work.

Where to start?

The Prosperity Challenge was designed to help people overcome fears, eliminate self-doubt, raise expectations, and ultimately, manifest what they desire.

Whether you’re well-versed in spiritual practices and looking to expand your toolkit, or you’re someone who’s a bit skeptical, but open to the idea of a different way of doing things, the Prosperity Challenge is a powerful program that can make you feel more accomplished and successful in any area of your life. Learn how you can participate.


Stephanie Renna has been working with Succeed On Purpose since 2012, and now serves as the brand leader. Her purpose is to bring joy.

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